Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Best Blogger Tips

Twitter added a native image sharing option and location sharing in the new Twitter interface, to all users.

You can now start seeing a camera and location sharing button, at the far left of the status update box, beckoning to upload an image and share the location of your tweet. You can upload images to your tweets directly, and can mention its location as well.

You can choose an image from your desktop under 3 MB and it will get embedded to your Twitter status like below. If you feel like you’ve made a mistake you can just click on the X to delete and pick another image.

This is how it looks,

Ever had something you wanted to share ("fireworks!", "party!", "ice cream truck!", or "quicksand...") that would be better with a location? By turning on this feature, you can include location information like neighborhood, town, or exact point when you tweet.

When you tweet with a location, Twitter stores that location. You can switch location on/off before each Tweet and always have the option to delete your location history

You can upload images (3MB) of any dimension and Twitter will automatically scale the image so that it fits properly on the display pane of new Twitter interface.

Watch the following video or head over to the help center to learn more about Twitter’s own photo upload feature:

No doubts Twitter wants to engage deeply with its audience and is now more serious on providing features people enjoy using.


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